Undoubtedly, online advertising is now the most dynamic, direct and efficient way to display a company products or services. The internet is a constantly growing market and each passing day more and more people are connected to it in search of the best deals, making their online shopping.
This form of advertising can be realized through many and varied ways with the most common of all the selected banners.
What is a web banner Ad:
The banner Ad or otherwise web banner, can be encountered in two forms:
- The first: it is the most simple. It refers to the range of information and an image, which serves as a link to a landing page of the advertiser's site.
- The second: is about the connection of information, with a combined animated image package (Animation), with its style adapted to the needs of advertisers and the provider of the advertising field.
In both cases, the Web banner designed in such a way as to follow a particular strategy whose objective is none other than to bring more prospects in a company, by attracting their interest.
What our role:
In pixelweb we undertake the creation of original and effective advertising banners that can be in harmony with each site these are placed in, either it’s Google hype or it’s fitting to specified websites associates. In any case we follow the international dimensional standards by achieving the adjustment of these ad banners anywhere on any website hosted.
Our goal is to advertise you in the best way possible, using the best available techniques and increasing your clientele. You put the key ideas and your needs and we our experience, our expertise and through a variety of designs and colors, we create new, innovative and fresh promotional proposals that stand out.